Thursday, December 16, 2010
Deadline: 10-Jan-2011
If you are a designer who has an entrepreneurial project that you cannot wait to tell us about? Will your project serve as a 'Synaptic Link' that links ideas, people, designers and industry, Will your project have the potential to make an impact that will reverberate? Do you have more ideas that you would like to share with others including potential stakeholders?
Would you like to travel to Doha, Qatar to present your ideas to an audience of designers and regional / international stakeholders at the Tameem 2011 -- Synapse -- Designer as Link conference during the week of March 21-24, 2011?
Notification of acceptance will be made by Monday January 31, 2011
Who can enter? Students working with entrepreneurial projects that place design at the core.
Jury A panel of judges will include venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, potential investors, leading educators and designers.
Winners If you are one of 12 young entrepreneurial designers/students chosen as final candidates, you will receive:*
* A scholarship to travel to Doha
* Hotel accommodation
* Conference attendance
* A booth to display your project(s)
* Opportunity to speak at the conference and an opportunity to present your ideas to the best potential investors and supporters of innovation in Qatar
Email your submission: vcuqevents@qatar.vcu.edu
Title your email 'Synapse Design Competition'
Or mail your submission:
Donna Duffett - Events Manager
Tasmeem Synapse Design Competition
PO Box 8095
Doha, Qatar
* The scholarship will provide funding for one representative on a team to travel to Doha and attend the conference. The winning proposal may have the opportunity to receive seed funding and space to incubate the business at the Qatar Science and Technology Park, Doha, Qatar. VCUQatar reserves the right to use submissions in promotional materials.
referensi ; tasmeemdoha, designophy