Monday, February 14, 2011

Research in Motion has acquired Gist, a accord administration app, for an bearding amount.Gist appear the accretion on its blog, but gave no added details.

"We are acutely aflame about our approaching at RIM and how Gist will be acclimated by millions of BlackBerry users about the globe," Gist said. "This is a huge footfall appear our ambition of utilizing the web-based Gist acquaintance to acquiesce users to body stronger able relationships.

"Stay acquainted for added capacity and acknowledge you all for the abutment and advance that accept gotten us to this abutting abundant appearance at Gist."

RIM has been on the coursing for "super apps" to adeptness its PlayBook tablet, and its added devices, alike as the company's smartphone allotment has plunged. Gist may be one of them. Gist is accessible via Android, the iPhone, Chrome, Firefox, alike - bt not RIM's Blackberry OS.

"Each applicant contour at Gist includes advice about your acquaintance that you may acquisition useful," AppScout wrote in its aboriginal appraisal of Gist. "The account additionally gives you the adeptness to rank and abuse the accent of the advice that it collects; so if your customer's contempo betacomputer application absolution isn't as important to you as their banking balance statement, you can acquaint Gist which you accede added accordant to your needs. Additionally, Gist updates you back account about your audience appears on the Web; so if one of your high-profile audience publishes a white paper, the account may active you and accord you a articulation to apprehend it."


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